Thursday, April 5, 2007


Greetings, all. It's been a long time since I've done a blog. The reason for the hiatus is this: I tend to get lazy as far as journals go. And because I didn't know if anyone was reading what I had to say anyway, I figured there was little point in continuing this. Ironically, and somewhat contradictorily, I also stopped because I'm a bit of a private person anyway, so I'm not one to disclose a great deal about myself. At any rate,

For today, I can just discuss school. Well, today I missed my first class, Sociology of Religion because I thought I set my alarm to sleep, which means it'll go off again in 10 minutes. The problem was, I didn't, and then when I next looked at the clock, class was already starting so I decided to forget it at the time. I then go online and talk to a friend a while, but the way I missed my next class, Research Design and Analysis, was just odd. I had a case of distorted thinking; I had believed I had another hour to my class, but five minutes before the class actually, started, I realized what had happened and just missed that one as well. Then, for Abnormal Psychology, I went for some of it, and it was interesting because the topic today was schizophrenia.

As I listened in class, I had a realization, that I've had some of this distorted thinking schizophrenics are supposed to have, myself. A bit eerie. On some level, I recognize my thinking is false, but when encountered with it in real life, I can't help but feel a little odd when I see someone do something against what my distorted thinking says should be the case. It's very difficult to express in words, particularly without specifying just what these odd thoughts are. Schizophrenics also tend to have a problem with relevance. They will be talking about something, but something in what they said is slightly related to something else, and they can go on a different tangent altogether quite suddenly. While I don't do that to the extent a schizphrenic does, I do that sometimes in speech, and particularly in my thoughts, but isn't that how memory is organized? Something related in this, may remind you about something in that.

But anyway, much like the guys in Monty Python, I'm really not sure how to end that, so I'll just have to cut it short here. I'll probably update tomorrow. Oh, and be sure to drop me a line at Boogey Bowser on AIM and give me ideas for topics.